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 03-07-2014, 07:43 Post: 189465

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 Knot Tying and Uses bowline knot

I had a Boy Scout leader tell me how to remember to tie a bowline. After you make the loop you imagine the end of the rope being a rabbit, the rabbit comes up out of his hole, goes around the tree then back down his hole.
A bowline and a square knot are about the extent of my knot expertise.
A friend of mine holds a pilots license to operate big towboats like they use to push barges up and down the Mississippi. He has told me lots of things about knots and rope, most of which I have forgotten except that there is right and left handed rope. Ask your favorite hardware store if they stock any left handed rope. This is "not or knot", which ever you prefer a joke, OK.


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 03-07-2014, 11:31 Post: 189473

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 Knot Tying and Uses bowline knot


Yes, I forgot, my father in law taught me that knot for fish hooks a long time ago. I haven't been fishing since Moby Dick was a minnow. so I forgot about that one.
Another knot I forgot is one my Uncle taught me for connecting the end of one ball of twine to the beginning of the next ball of twine for the old time square balers. A regular square knot was too big to go through the knotters without catching somewhere. It was really simple and to look at it you swore it would never hold but it did. First you louped the two ends like you were going to tie a square knot leaving a couple inches of each twine past the first wrap. Next frizz the ends of the twine an inch or so back from the ends then push the frizzed ends together rolling them with your thumbs. When you get it rolled down to a size not much larger than the twine spit on it and roll it some more. Now pull it tight with the spit on parts going into the initial half of a square knot you started with. The first few I did failed, but I finally got on to it and never had a knot catch again.


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